Retrieving chemical information from the web

Webchem: a very useful package!



Before I knew how to export the database out from FlavorBase (a commercial flavor database), I had to type CAS numbers and FEMA numbers manually. I wished there was a way for me to tap on the existing open-source web resources, and at that time, I came across the webchem package, but I had little coding skills and did not know how to iteratively query for multiple compounds.

I revisited the package, and as a continuation for my start to pdf scraping, let me try to append chemical information to the compounds!

It loads data from 14 web databases, although you may need to have the API accounts for some of them.

The codes below are for searching from open-source databases.

Learning points

Load packages

p_load(datapasta, tidyverse, webchem, readxl, writexl, janitor)

What I learnt from the package documentation

The codes below were taken from the package documentation and are the more commonly used functions for my case.

CIR can resolve can be of the following identifier:

Search for CAS number

cir_query("allyl propyl disulfide", representation = "cas",
          match = "first") # search by name
$`allyl propyl disulfide`
[1] "2179-59-1"

Search for names

cir_query("Vanillin", representation = "names") # search by name
  [1] "4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde"                      
  [2] "4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzaldehyde"                     
  [3] "121-33-5"                                             
  [4] "52447-63-9"                                           
  [5] "8014-42-4"                                            
  [6] "c0193"                                                
  [7] "trans-2-Ethoxy-5-(1-propenyl)phenol"                  
  [8] "4-08-00-01763 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)"         
  [9] "AI3-00093"                                            
 [10] "4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzaldehyde"                     
 [11] "4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde"                      
 [12] "C00755"                                               
 [13] "Vanillaldehyde"                                       
 [14] "HSDB 1027"                                            
 [15] "Methylprotocatechuic aldehyde"                        
 [16] "NSC 15351"                                            
 [17] "Protocatechualdehyde 3-methyl ether"                  
 [18] "Vanillin (natural)"                                   
 [19] "Vanillin [USAN]"                                      
 [20] "Vanilline"                                            
 [21] "p-Vanillin"                                           
 [22] "SGCUT00016"                                           
 [23] "ZINC02567933"                                         
 [24] "NSC403658"                                            
 [25] "D00091"                                               
 [26] "Vanillin (NF)"                                        
 [27] "W310700_ALDRICH"                                      
 [28] "W310727_ALDRICH"                                      
 [29] "AIDS-017927"                                          
 [30] "AIDS017927"                                           
 [31] "AC-907/21098004"                                      
 [32] "94750_FLUKA"                                          
 [33] "SBB000108"                                            
 [34] "BRN 0472792"                                          
 [35] "LS-2459"                                              
 [36] "CCRIS 2687"                                           
 [37] "CHEBI:18346"                                          
 [38] "vaniline"                                             
 [39] "EINECS 204-465-2"                                     
 [40] "V1104_ALDRICH"                                        
 [41] "FEMA No. 3107"                                        
 [42] "NCI60_001085"                                         
 [43] "94752_FLUKA"                                          
 [44] "NCGC00091645-03"                                      
 [45] "VANILLIN"                                             
 [46] "nchembio882-comp7"                                    
 [47] "NSC48383"                                             
 [48] "4-HYDROXY,3-METHOXY-BENZALDEHYDE"                     
 [49] "NCGC00091645-01"                                      
 [50] "to_000089"                                            
 [51] "V2375_SIGMA"                                          
 [52] "InChI=1/C8H8O3/c1-11-8-4-6(5-9)2-3-7(8)10/h2-5,10H,1H"
 [53] "LS-645"                                               
 [54] "2-Methoxy-4-formylphenol"                             
 [55] "3-Methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde"                      
 [56] "4-Formyl-2-methoxyphenol"                             
 [57] "4-Hydroxy-5-methoxybenzaldehyde"                      
 [58] "4-Hydroxy-m-anisaldehyde"                             
 [59] "Benzaldehyde, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-"                   
 [60] "Lioxin"                                               
 [61] "NSC15351"                                             
 [62] "Protocatechualdehyde, methyl-"                        
 [63] "Vanilla"                                              
 [64] "Vanillic aldehyde"                                    
 [65] "WLN: VHR DQ CO1"                                      
 [66] "Zimco"                                                
 [67] "m-Anisaldehyde, 4-hydroxy-"                           
 [68] "p-Hydroxy-m-methoxybenzaldehyde"                      
 [69] "4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde"                      
 [70] "4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzaldehyde"                     
 [71] "121-33-5"                                             
 [72] "52447-63-9"                                           
 [73] "8014-42-4"                                            
 [74] "c0193"                                                
 [75] "trans-2-Ethoxy-5-(1-propenyl)phenol"                  
 [76] "4-08-00-01763 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)"         
 [77] "AI3-00093"                                            
 [78] "4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzaldehyde"                     
 [79] "4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde"                      
 [80] "C00755"                                               
 [81] "Vanillaldehyde"                                       
 [82] "HSDB 1027"                                            
 [83] "Methylprotocatechuic aldehyde"                        
 [84] "NSC 15351"                                            
 [85] "Protocatechualdehyde 3-methyl ether"                  
 [86] "Vanillin (natural)"                                   
 [87] "Vanillin [USAN]"                                      
 [88] "Vanilline"                                            
 [89] "p-Vanillin"                                           
 [90] "SGCUT00016"                                           
 [91] "ZINC02567933"                                         
 [92] "NSC403658"                                            
 [93] "D00091"                                               
 [94] "Vanillin (NF)"                                        
 [95] "W310700_ALDRICH"                                      
 [96] "W310727_ALDRICH"                                      
 [97] "AIDS-017927"                                          
 [98] "AIDS017927"                                           
 [99] "AC-907/21098004"                                      
[100] "94750_FLUKA"                                          
[101] "SBB000108"                                            
[102] "BRN 0472792"                                          
[103] "LS-2459"                                              
[104] "CCRIS 2687"                                           
[105] "CHEBI:18346"                                          
[106] "vaniline"                                             
[107] "EINECS 204-465-2"                                     
[108] "V1104_ALDRICH"                                        
[109] "FEMA No. 3107"                                        
[110] "NCI60_001085"                                         
[111] "94752_FLUKA"                                          
[112] "NCGC00091645-03"                                      
[113] "VANILLIN"                                             
[114] "nchembio882-comp7"                                    
[115] "NSC48383"                                             
[116] "4-HYDROXY,3-METHOXY-BENZALDEHYDE"                     
[117] "NCGC00091645-01"                                      
[118] "to_000089"                                            
[119] "V2375_SIGMA"                                          
[120] "InChI=1/C8H8O3/c1-11-8-4-6(5-9)2-3-7(8)10/h2-5,10H,1H"
[121] "LS-645"                                               
[122] "2-Methoxy-4-formylphenol"                             
[123] "3-Methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde"                      
[124] "4-Formyl-2-methoxyphenol"                             
[125] "4-Hydroxy-5-methoxybenzaldehyde"                      
[126] "4-Hydroxy-m-anisaldehyde"                             
[127] "Benzaldehyde, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-"                   
[128] "Lioxin"                                               
[129] "NSC15351"                                             
[130] "Protocatechualdehyde, methyl-"                        
[131] "Vanilla"                                              
[132] "Vanillic aldehyde"                                    
[133] "WLN: VHR DQ CO1"                                      
[134] "Zimco"                                                
[135] "m-Anisaldehyde, 4-hydroxy-"                           
[136] "p-Hydroxy-m-methoxybenzaldehyde"                      
cir_query("Vanillin", representation = "names", match = "first") # first match only
[1] "4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde"
cir_query("121-33-5", representation = "names") # search by CAS
 [1] "4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde"                      
 [2] "4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzaldehyde"                     
 [3] "121-33-5"                                             
 [4] "52447-63-9"                                           
 [5] "8014-42-4"                                            
 [6] "c0193"                                                
 [7] "trans-2-Ethoxy-5-(1-propenyl)phenol"                  
 [8] "4-08-00-01763 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)"         
 [9] "AI3-00093"                                            
[10] "4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzaldehyde"                     
[11] "4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde"                      
[12] "C00755"                                               
[13] "Vanillaldehyde"                                       
[14] "HSDB 1027"                                            
[15] "Methylprotocatechuic aldehyde"                        
[16] "NSC 15351"                                            
[17] "Protocatechualdehyde 3-methyl ether"                  
[18] "Vanillin (natural)"                                   
[19] "Vanillin [USAN]"                                      
[20] "Vanilline"                                            
[21] "p-Vanillin"                                           
[22] "SGCUT00016"                                           
[23] "ZINC02567933"                                         
[24] "NSC403658"                                            
[25] "D00091"                                               
[26] "Vanillin (NF)"                                        
[27] "W310700_ALDRICH"                                      
[28] "W310727_ALDRICH"                                      
[29] "AIDS-017927"                                          
[30] "AIDS017927"                                           
[31] "AC-907/21098004"                                      
[32] "94750_FLUKA"                                          
[33] "SBB000108"                                            
[34] "BRN 0472792"                                          
[35] "LS-2459"                                              
[36] "CCRIS 2687"                                           
[37] "CHEBI:18346"                                          
[38] "vaniline"                                             
[39] "EINECS 204-465-2"                                     
[40] "V1104_ALDRICH"                                        
[41] "FEMA No. 3107"                                        
[42] "NCI60_001085"                                         
[43] "94752_FLUKA"                                          
[44] "NCGC00091645-03"                                      
[45] "VANILLIN"                                             
[46] "nchembio882-comp7"                                    
[47] "NSC48383"                                             
[48] "4-HYDROXY,3-METHOXY-BENZALDEHYDE"                     
[49] "NCGC00091645-01"                                      
[50] "to_000089"                                            
[51] "V2375_SIGMA"                                          
[52] "InChI=1/C8H8O3/c1-11-8-4-6(5-9)2-3-7(8)10/h2-5,10H,1H"
[53] "LS-645"                                               
[54] "2-Methoxy-4-formylphenol"                             
[55] "3-Methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde"                      
[56] "4-Formyl-2-methoxyphenol"                             
[57] "4-Hydroxy-5-methoxybenzaldehyde"                      
[58] "4-Hydroxy-m-anisaldehyde"                             
[59] "Benzaldehyde, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-"                   
[60] "Lioxin"                                               
[61] "NSC15351"                                             
[62] "Protocatechualdehyde, methyl-"                        
[63] "Vanilla"                                              
[64] "Vanillic aldehyde"                                    
[65] "WLN: VHR DQ CO1"                                      
[66] "Zimco"                                                
[67] "m-Anisaldehyde, 4-hydroxy-"                           
[68] "p-Hydroxy-m-methoxybenzaldehyde"                      
# multiple inputs ------
comp <- c("Vanillin", "Ethyl vanillin")

cir_query(comp, "cas", match = "first")
[1] "121-33-5"

$`Ethyl vanillin`
[1] "121-32-4"

Search for molecular weight

cir_query("Vanillin", representation = "mw")
[1] 152.1494 152.1494

Search for Formula

cir_query("Vanillin", representation = "formula")
[1] "C8H8O3" "C8H8O3"

Search for number of rings

cir_query("Vanillin", representation = "ring_count")
[1] 1 1

Search for log-octanol water partition

This value is greater than 1 if the compound is more hydrophobic/non-polar, and is less than 1 if the compound is more hydrophilic/polar.

cir_query("Vanillin", representation = "xlogp2")
[1] 1.227 1.227

Search on whether compound is Aromatic

cir_query("Vanillin", representation = "aromatic")
[1] "1" "1"

Search for SMILES

cir_query("Vanillin", representation = "smiles")
[1] "COc1cc(C=O)ccc1O" "COc1cc(C=O)ccc1O"

Search for InCHI key

cir_query("Vanillin", representation = "stdinchi")
[1] "InChI=1S/C8H8O3/c1-11-8-4-6(5-9)2-3-7(8)10/h2-5,10H,1H3"
[2] "InChI=1S/C8H8O3/c1-11-8-4-6(5-9)2-3-7(8)10/h2-5,10H,1H3"
cir_query("Vanillin", representation = "stdinchikey")

Formatting CAS numbers


Retrieving flavor perceptions from <>

This is not the most comprehensive database and I prefer the output from Flavorbase. Perhaps, if I can successfully use the data from Fenerolli’s book, that would be a good addition for aroma and taste descriptors.

cir_query("123-32-0", "names")
 [1] "2,5-Dimethylpyrazine"                        
 [2] "123-32-0"                                    
 [3] "2,5-Dimethyl-1,4-diazine"                    
 [4] "2,5-Dimethylparadiazine"                     
 [5] "2,5-Dimethylpiazine"                         
 [6] "2,5-Dimethylpyrazine (natural)"              
 [7] "AI3-60303"                                   
 [8] "CCRIS 2929"                                  
 [9] "EINECS 204-618-3"                            
[10] "FEMA No. 3272"                               
[11] "NSC 49139"                                   
[12] "W327204_ALDRICH"                             
[13] "ZINC00003182"                                
[14] "InChI=1/C6H8N2/c1-5-3-8-6(2)4-7-5/h3-4H,1-2H"
[15] "2,5-Dimethylpyrazine"                        
[16] "NSC49139"                                    
[17] "Pyrazine, 2,5-dimethyl-"                     
[18] "WLN: T6N DNJ B1 E1"                          
[19] "PYRAZINE,2,5-DIMETHYL"                       
[20] "ST5437415"                                   
[21] "175420_ALDRICH"                              
[22] "41535_FLUKA"                                 
"cocoa, roasted nut, roast beef, medicine" 
# multiple input
CASs <- c("75-07-0", "64-17-5", "109-66-0", "78-94-4", "78-93-3")
         75-07-0          64-17-5         109-66-0          78-94-4 
"pungent, ether"          "sweet"         "alkane"               NA 

Search for Kovats Index

The types of retention indices included in NIST include Kovats (“kovats”), Van den Dool and Kratz (“linear”), normal alkane (“alkane”), and Lee (“lee”).

You can choose to specify your search limits.

# Search NIST RI ------
        from = "cas",
        type = "kovats",
        polarity = "non-polar")
# A tibble: 5 × 12
  query       RI type      phase length gas   substrate diameter thickness
  <chr>    <dbl> <chr>     <chr>  <dbl> <chr> <chr>        <dbl>     <dbl>
1 123-32-0   930 Capillary SE-30     25 Heli… <NA>          0.32         1
2 123-32-0   926 Capillary SE-30     25 Heli… <NA>          0.32         1
3 123-32-0   930 Capillary OV-1…     50 Heli… <NA>          0.25        NA
4 123-32-0   926 Capillary OV-1…     50 Heli… <NA>          0.25        NA
5 123-32-0   890 Packed    DC-2…      4 <NA>  Celite       NA           NA
# … with 3 more variables: temp <dbl>, reference <chr>, comment <chr>

Defining functions

The map function from purrr is extremely handy here!

# define a function to search cas

search_cas <- function(chem_name) {
  webchem::cir_query({{chem_name}}, representation = "cas",
                     match = "first") %>% 

# define a function to search mw

search_mw <- function(cas) {
  webchem::cir_query({{cas}}, representation = "mw") %>% 
    unlist(.) %>% 

# define a function to search formula

search_formula <- function(cas) {
  webchem::cir_query({{cas}}, representation = "formula") %>% 

# define a function to search log-ow

search_log_o_w <- function(cas) {
  webchem::cir_query({{cas}}, representation = "xlogp2") %>% 

# define a function to search fnpercep

search_flv_percept <- function(cas) {
  webchem::fn_percept({{cas}}) %>% 

# define a function for NIST KI

search_nist_ki <- function(cas) {
  ri <- nist_ri("123-32-0",
        from = "cas",
        type = "kovats",
        polarity = "non-polar")
  round(mean(ri$RI), 1)

Searching for multiple compounds

Let’s just randomly pick three compounds

chem_names <- tibble::tribble(
  "ethyl vanillin",
  "ethyl butyrate",

# merge in

report_expanded <- chem_names %>% 
  mutate(cas = map_chr(chem_names, search_cas)) %>% 
  mutate(mw = map_dbl(cas, search_mw)) %>% 
  mutate(chem_form = map_chr(cas, search_formula)) %>% 
  mutate(log_o_w = map_dbl(cas, search_log_o_w)) %>% 
  mutate(flv_percept = map_chr(cas, search_flv_percept)) 

# A tibble: 3 × 6
  chem_names           cas         mw chem_form log_o_w flv_percept   
  <chr>                <chr>    <dbl> <chr>       <dbl> <chr>         
1 ethyl vanillin       121-32-4  166. C9H10O3     1.65  <NA>          
2 ethyl butyrate       105-54-4  116. C6H12O2     1.49  apple         
3 2,6-dimethylpyrazine 108-50-9  108. C6H8N2      0.633 roasted nut, …

Using an existing excel file and looking up information

I am not uploading my excel file (with compounds to query for) in this case, but here is an example code. I would need to import two files:

I would query for each of the compound iternatively.

# load packages ------
p_load(datapasta, tidyverse, webchem, readxl, writexl, janitor)

# import report ------

data <- read_xlsx("import_data.xlsx") %>% 
  clean_names() %>% 
  select(-tent_t, -fema_raw)


# import in-house database, use latest version ------

in_house_db <- read_excel("in_house.xlsx") %>% 
  clean_names() %>% 
  distinct(cas_combined, .keep_all = T)


# merge in sensory descriptor ------

data_sensory_desc <- data %>% 
  left_join(in_house_db, by = c("cas" = "cas_combined"))


# merge in webchem queries
data_pubchem <- data_sensory_desc %>% 
  mutate(mw = map_chr(cas, search_mw)) %>% 
  mutate(chem_form = map_chr(cas, search_formula)) %>% 
  mutate(log_o_w = map_dbl(cas, search_log_o_w)) %>% 
  mutate(flv_percept = map_chr(cas, search_flv_percept)) %>% 
  mutate(nist_ki = map_dbl(cas, search_nist_ki))




For attribution, please cite this work as

lruolin (2021, Oct. 15). pRactice corner: Retrieving chemical information from the web. Retrieved from Retrieving chemical information/

BibTeX citation

  author = {lruolin, },
  title = {pRactice corner: Retrieving chemical information from the web},
  url = { Retrieving chemical information/},
  year = {2021}